Ana Elisa loves to say bye to everyone and everything. For example, she says bye to bugs and dirty diapers ("Bye Ewww"--they both have the same name:)), she says bye to water ("Bye Agua"), to food ("Bye Num num"), to her Shrek movies ("Bye Shek"), to her Barney PJ's ("Bye Babee"), etc. When she doesn't know what the thing she is saying bye to's name, she either babbles her own name for it, or she just says bye. Here she is saying bye to a flower that she's about to put in a vase.
We love to cook together. Today she helped me take the husks off of our corn on the cob, and washed the potatos. Here we are making pizza. Ana Elisa made sure to eat plenty of sauce and pinapple while she helped make them. I love that she enjoys cooking, I hope she will continue to enjoy it, I sure do.