

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mom is out of ICU!

Today they finally moved mom out of the ICU. She will be on the rehab floor now. She still can't move any limbs other than her right arm, and she still can't talk (part of that is because she has the trachial tube in her throat). She is still very tired and very weak, and seems to be in another world a lot of the time, but she looks so much better.

We've seen a lot of miracles and hope to see many more in the coming days and weeks. Yesterday they sat her up for 2 hours, it wore her out for the rest of the day, but it sure was a big leap forward.


  1. YEAH! Another step in the right direction!

  2. Yipee!! Glad to hear the good news!

  3. Hola soy leyla..
    Me da gusto saber que tu mama esta avanzando, no te desanimes recuerda que tu bebe esta al tanto de todo. Sabes como te comente asi le paso a mi abuelita,pero lo de ella fue un stroke masivo, ella estuvo un mes en el hospital y cuando la dieron de alta los doctores dijeron que estaria en cama sin moverse por el resto de su vida, pues no! ella lucho y despues de 6 meses de rehabilitacion y mucho esfuerzo lo logro, camino, comio y regreso a ser la misma de antes, osea que si hay milagros, un abrazo..
